Sunday, July 22, 2012

Porn & The Special Olympics ((2010))

Let me start by saying...uh Retarded People Hate The FUCK Outta me. Now on with the story!

A few weeks ago I was house sitting for a relative and the phone rang. The caller ID said 'Special Olympics'.
I'm thinking, "What's Really The T? Don't no retarded people stay here."
My inside voice said, "Bitch, Answer The Phone!!"
So I picked up the line and said "Hello?". 
Needless to say they asses wanted money! Money I did NOT have!

So the lady on the phone tells me some sad ass story about retarded kids needing money for games or drugs or some other nutty Shit. She offered me a free 1 year subscription to any 3 magazines in exchange for a small donation. Then the conversation went like this...

Me: That sounds GREAT!
Her: What magazine would like?
Me: Latin Inches. 
Her: (silence and typing) We don't have that magazine.

Me:  Do you have Black Inches? 
Her: Uh... No, we don't have that one either.
Me: What about regular Inches? You got that?! 
Her: Oh... Uh... We don't have that. What kind of magazines are these?

Me: Gay Porn!!
Her: Sir, we don't have 'Those kinds' of magazines.
Me: Oh, you don't?? Well Honey, I DON'T HAVE TIME 4 "Yo Kind Of BULLSHIT!! 

Needless to say.... I got off that phone Faster Than Al Sharpton at a Klan Meeting! Lady have you lost yo Fuckin mind? Ain't no way in the FUCK I am giving you my hard earned dollars so these retarded kids can buy drugs and you not provide me Quality Magazin es!!

 That is when I knew the BullShit at the Special Olympics had reached an all time LOW! 

Maybe if these kids got off them damn drugs and read an issue of Latin Inches they would discover Life ain't all about fun and games!! Do you see anybody giving out Gold Medal Awards to the guy with the best Foreskin? NO! Because Life Is HARD!

The T of the day: 

"I may be new to Retardation but Bitch, I am NOT new to Stunts!"  ~Branden Ho!

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