Friday, August 22, 2014

Tea With Skeletor!

I almost never discuss anything serious on Facebook, YouTubes, or this blog. It is comedy 24-7 all damn day, every damn day. However, shit got REAL recently and I was forced to release a statement. I said I wouldn't discuss it any further but everyday I am asked about it. When I blow off an answer then all the speculation and gossip starts. So I will tell the story this one last time and let the cookie crumbs fall where they may. Here is the statement I put out about 2 weeks ago.

"I would like to address this issue now b4 the rumors spread across the internet. I've learned that some 9th grade pictures I took with a classmate has now hit the internet. I'm in no way proud of these pictures and they have been released without my permission. These were different times back then and I was about 14 or 15 years old. Although I am not proud of them, I will NOT be Shamed or Cyber Bullied. I will not let the mistakes of my past destroy the empire I have built for myself today. I ask for Privacy during this difficult time in my life. 
Thank You in advance for your Support and Prayers."

Like all scandals, this shit surfaced at the worst possible time. I had just broke the news that I'm staring in a new animated series. That makes 3 animated series that I am currently writing and staring in. In addition to co-staring in a animated independent film, being the president and star player of my local LGBT Ping-Pong Club, my duties as a Youth Advocate, and trying to maintain already strained relationships with family and friends. You can imagine an 18 year old scandal hit a bitch like a ton of bricks! When picture hit the internets and people I did not go to school with started showing them to me......... I denied it. Then came the panic and SHAME! "That Ain't Me!" "Where the fuck did you find them pictures at!" 

So here is the picture and the T!

 I decided to cover her face with Skeletor because I don't wanna Fan The Flames of this BullShit anymore. If we went to High School together then you know who the fuck this girl is! I'm mad because one of her relatives dug this shit up and posted it. I could blame the devil or somebody else but this shit is my fault. It was my fucking idea to take the pictures! That shit Sho Nuff Exploded in my damn face!!  When the pictures came back our classmates WORE MY ASS OUT!! Joke after joke, rumors that she was my girlfriend, then rumors that we broke up because I couldn't handle the backlash from our entire 9th grade class. None of that shit was true.
The truth is, she was never my girlfriend. As a gay man I can truthfully say I have NEVER had a girlfriend. ((Because I never fucking wanted one!)) 
She and I were friends but the friendship didn't last long. It ended because my comedy and amazing personality was too much for her church girl attitude. Needless to say I was never invited to her bullshit ass church!
We went to a school dance together and there is one more picture of us out there. (I hope to GOD it is never found!) That ugly ass shirt I had on, found its way in the TRASH 2 weeks later. I have no idea where she is now. About 10 years ago I ran into her and we talked briefly. No Shade No T, the progress report was not good! I learned my lesson that day! I'll never make the mistake of taking some BullShit Ass pictures with her again!

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