Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Drugs & The BullShit

Does anybody else smell the BullShit when it comes to drug use? Before I continue let me just remind everybody that Retarded people, Church Folks and Drug Users Hate the Fuck outta me! (This list gets bigger and bigger every year!) Now on with the story.......

I always say "Know BullShit when you see it." When you know it, you will never be surprised when somebody try to lay it at your feet. After the MTV VMAS Sunday night the ONLY thing people been talking about is Miley Cyrus & her drug use. 

What The FUCK Lil Kim?

Not Lil Kim and that crazy ass wig she had on.

Just Miley Cyrus. I swear I got to be the only one WHO DON'T GIVE A SOFT, MOIST FUCK about it. Give me a fuckin break! I knew it was BullShit the second her ass hit the stage! For the last 4 damn days, that is all the news been talking about. That Thirsty Bitch Richard Simmons on Entertainment Tonight crying about it. Random bitches doing interviews talking about somebody needs to be fired. Kids gettin on TV expressing their "Shock and Disappointment" over her drug use. What the fuck did y'all expect? The last few years the ONLY thing this girl been serving up is BullShit!! 

I tell everybody to Pick your favorite celebrities carefully. I've been blogging about this shit since the Myspace days. People get PISSED with me when I discuss Celebs and Drugs. ((I don't give a fuck about that either.)) The Truth is the FUCKING TRUTH! They get HIGH and do the fucking FOOL!! I will NOT support Fuckery and BullShit. You want me to name some names?

1. Michael Jackson 
2. Whitney Houston
3. George Michael
4. Amy Winehouse
5. Little Richard
6. Charlie Sheen
7. Lindsay Lohan
8. Gary Coleman
9. Bishop Eddie Long
10. Amanda Bines 

The list goes ON and ON! New bitches get their name added to it Every damn day! I love me some Oprah but I'm about to mash the BullShit button! That Lindsay Lohan interview she did was COMPLETE BULLSHIT! I already knew she was on DOPE! Now she about to get $2 MILLION dollars to do a fucking reality show...... That shit is Truly Crazy! Why pay that fucker when you can see people use drugs for FREE on Intervention!! 

Black people sure do get mad when you talk about Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston. All I gotta say is..... COME THE FUCK OFF THE BULLSHIT!! When Whitney died CNN told us she drowned in the bathtub, she had breast implants, and there was DRUGS and alcohol all over that bathroom. They found all that shit and nowhere did they find Soap and a Fucking Rag!!! I know a guy who said on Facebook "Somebody broke in that hotel room and KILLED her!" WHO the fuck would do that? The Ghost of Gary Coleman? Bitches always looking to BLAME somebody! Oh before I forget Conrad Murray did not kill Michael Jackson! The Jackson family is pointing the finger at everybody but the fucking devil!!

I really wish people would stop calling Amy Winehouse a "Musical Genius" the only thing she was good at playing was THE SPOONS! (Yup I Said It!)
They get High on drugs, hit the stage, give some BullShit Ass Performance, and Y'all EAT IT UP!!

What's Really the T (truth)?
Boys & Girls PLEAZE wake the fuck up before you Overdose On BULLSHIT!